Saturday, November 20, 2010

Vatican flexing it's muscles.

I've always been on the fence about Catholicism. It's not perfect (like everything man does) but the one thing I've always felt was the strong point in Catholicism is their church hierarchy, it makes for a more efficient means of accountability.

Vatican's Chief Justice: Catholic Politicians Who Support Abortion or Gay Marriage Must Publicly Repent

“We find self-professed Catholics, for example, who sustain and support the right of a woman to procure the death of the infant in her womb, or the right of two persons of the same sex to the recognition which the State gives to a man and a woman who have entered into marriage,” said the archbishop. “It is not possible to be a practicing Catholic and to conduct oneself publicly in this manner.”

The Vatican, with only one announcement, put every single gay marriage/abortion supporter who claims to be catholic on blast. The Protestant Churches, IMO can never match that type of public accountability that the Catholic Church has.