Wednesday, April 15, 2009

Kicking off the blog

My name is theological discourse as I do enjoy talking about theology along with fighting, hip hop music, current events, video games and many other things, all which will be extensively covered in this blog, I prefer my credentials to be unknown since I do not enjoy appeals to authority (or any logical fallacies for that matter). An argument, or anything for that matter, should stand or fall on its own merits, not on the credentials of the person giving the argument, nor his origins.


Chuck said...

How can you rest on your Christian theology and also enjoy fighting? Didn't Jesus say, "turn the other cheek." Sheeesh.

Theological Discourse said...

he sure did but that is not the same as sport fighting in the least, there are many examples in the bible of people fighting, God wrestled with Jacob even, looks like you don't know what you're talking about.