Sunday, May 31, 2009

Please leave Matt

There is no style in MMA I cannot stand more than wrestling. While it might be an effective fighting style when combined with other aspects of fighting, by itself it is nothing more than a way bring your opponent to the mat while laying on them until the ref counts to three and....oh wait, wrong sport. Wrestling by itself is useless in MMA as it is nothing more than a way to PIN your opponenent to the ground, but this is not WWF, and pinning does not win fights, submissions, TKO's or KO's win fights.
One must know either how to SUBMIT your opponent on the ground, or how to effectivly strike while on the ground, which brings me to Matt Hughes. His win over Matt Serra was contraversial at best, which I believe comes from his pure wrestling style. After his loss to GSP(twice) and BJ Penn(yes I know he beat him in a rematch, but Penn was dominating him in the first 2 rounds, he most liekly lost because he gassed in the third) it wasn't difficult to beat him. All one must do is defend his take down attempts (GSP) or if one happens to get taken down to the ground, have a good ground game(BJ).
While easier said than done, it is a remarkably simple strategy to defeat wrestlers which is why Serra beat hughs the first time and why it is so up in the air whether or not he beat him the second time. It is definitly time for Matt and other wrestlers(looking at you Brock) to either adapt or retire.


feeno said...

'Sup TD

However, Brock would have beat Frank Muir to death if not for wrestling?

feeno said...

W'dup fam

I just realized that was probably your point, about the whole defense of submit thing? I don't really know much about MMA. Every time a fight is on though, one of my dude's has us all over to watch. I'm usually paying much more attention to the Pizza, chips and dips, salami rolls etc. (Yes I'd be a heavy weight.) And some of us are just playing poker.

As a kid growing up I loved boxing. I can't believe how non-existent it is now. I grew up around the 'Nati during the reign of Aaron "the Hawk" Pryor. Of course back then I liked Ali, Sugar Ray Leonard, Tommy Hearns, and Marvelous Marvin Haglar. But my favorite fighter wasn't even real, but I had posters of "Rocky" on my walls as a kid. "YO Adrian"

Late, feeno

Theological Discourse said...

Frank Mir did Jiu Jitsu feeno. That's why Brock lost, because all he had was wrestling, he didn't know what to do when Frank got him in the lock.